I just got back from Orange County and what a ride that was. Christmas is pretty much a test of family endurance along with the comfort amongst your blood. My Son made out like a bandit this year. The Grandparents lavished him with gifts and then some. So much so, that I had to ferry it all up north on my own carrying it inside our car.
I was of course crushed under the luggage, car seats, and every imaginable choo, choo whistling toy conceivable. It would take an hour to unload the car on my arrival and what looks like days on end getting it all sequestered in the house.
Somehow I had the energy to get all of it in and completely re-arrange the entire house in order for me to hook up the computer so it was up and running, while plugging my new mistress (my wife is not pleased by this thing) the X-Box 360 into the TV.
All of this before collapsing on the couch and realizing I had to go food shopping, if I wanted to eat anything before nightfall and sub zero weather sets in.
It is good to be home. Sadly if I don't find work here soon I'll have to go back to the southland, while my Wife and Son stay in the North in order for me to support them. Times are bleak, but I'm still pretty upbeat about everything. Being without them is going to tear me apart. I don't have to make a lot to support them, so hopefully I can weather through the next two years until the economy can change ( hopefully).
Before I left I scanned in a host of old inked drawings from my portfolios. I would find an old and dark character from 1998 that has surfaced from time to time in my art work called
The Silence. His origins are from a treatment I wrote a while back about a man named
Noble, who is in a comatose state due to an operation gone awry. While under he awakes in a weird world of a dream-life and something is hunting him, trying to end his reign as the EGO.
A myraid of alternate personalities manifest to protect him from this malignant force, all the while not trying to destroy the other in order to keep him alive as the EGO. These alternate personas are
The Clown, The Bear, St. George, Bill Bong, The Silence,
Saberous and
Grinning Jack. Each is an aspect of his life stemming from a troubled childhood.
The Silence was a foil to the unmovable super ego
St. George, where these two shared no misgivings and usually ended up being more of a threat to our hero than the thing trying to kill him.
The Silence was heartbreak and the aftermath of what it can do to a person. That cold void in one's chest that can put a gun in their mouth to end it all. He was Noble's despair.
So I dug him up and gave him some color and whallah...now he's added to my On-line Portfolio. The veins in his arm were easy compared to the rest with a simple paste and bevel to get the 3d look. I wish I had taken some more time on the background but at 1:00 am I was cutting corners and rain takes a while.
This is what happens of course when you take a Psychology class and you're a comic book artist/writer at heart.