FLEET is a drafting exercise at it's heart for me. The Liberty above is my first drawing for this project. I'll be cross referencing a front, top, and bottom view from this one piece. I can never go small, so already I have about fifteen alien species and designs to ponder. I gotta stop that nonsense.
The thoughts behind FLEET point to a game App for the iPad. Something of empire builder and space explorer to appeal to the gamer looking for a universe that challenges their organization and combat skills. I won't lie and say I'm not a fan of EVE online. Though FLEET might be considered a cross between EVE and SPORE, I'm trying to not get pigeon holed by my love for both games when working on FLEET. The object of the piece is to come up with something different and far more engaging than what has inspired you.
I'm partly torn on the visuals of FLEET. Part of me says go for a Tron look. Totally digital bordering on neon glitter of Geometry Wars, to the full on glory of a Space Sim like EVE Online. For right now I'm just keeping it simple right down to mechanical line and flat color.
We'll see which wins out as I progress.
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