Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas from my wife; a new look for Jeddins Field

Well, see what happens when you leave the keys on the counter. My moody black has been swapped for a new green and gray. My wife is a graphic artist who can actually make heaps of money with her artistic talent. I just seem to provide my spider killing skills to the marriage and even that is a dangerous, squealing, and hazardous adventure on my part of dealing death to our arachnid neighbors. 

I would like to say Merry Christmas to all who are visiting. For my Atheist friends Merry Winter's Solstice, and be good for goodness sakes. Dad if you actually read this, I'll be seeing you soon. Couple more days and its another fun road trip for me down to Orange County and two months of family and celebrations. I'm looking forward to playing Halo 3 with you. 
I always enjoy it when you go running off all "Johnny Hero" on me to kill the aliens. Little do you know that I always tend to stick a plasma grenade to your helmet just as you run past me simply to add to the carnage you must and will inflict upon our Covenant invaders. You'll re-spawn soon enough. Love you, see you soon.

To all my internet friends, I'll see you guys on the random boards and Kevin's Watch after January, so Happy Holidays to you nuts. I should have some new updated material for Aliens Vs. Transformers and the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant and maybe some Pern images just for Menolloy on my return to Northern California. 

Jared, David, Jeff, and Norita and Lexi, a warm see you guys soon. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. 
So, that is it for December. I might post in January from my Dad's computer, but I think I'll be too busy. So see you all at Jeddins Field in February. Yeah right 


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A long time ago on a message board called GojiStomp I was a moderator and the guy who made sigs. If you don't know what an sig is, it is an small internet banner that sits within a post on a message board. These little advertisements are usually of Avatars or sites a person wants to have representing them when they make a statement. I made a few and I was good enough to warrant my own forum for it.
I'm proficient with Photoshop and I can manipulate images on a professional level. I did it for friends and wasted some years on helping with generating looks for their sites. Of course they're all gone, so I have nothing to show for it, so Meh. 

On Gojistomp I was known as Dezerath and I was a nazi moderator, I admit it but when you deal with kids and fan boys you don't usually have a choice. It was good times. Now the site Gojistomp was run by a great kid by the name of Gary and he had a pretty reputable Godzilla Fandom following over his competition in Monster Zero and Mazer City. Monster Zero won out in the end, but with Godzilla 1998 we all lost a bit of our childhoods to two hacks. 

Unfortunately for Gojistomp it went and shut down due to Gary's school issues and having a life. When I was there I always found myself interested in creating American Kaiju. Giant monsters with hoaky alien invasions to waste those Sunday afternoons on those lovable Japanese movies sent to invade our sets in the 60's and 70's before buying everything in the 80's and 90's. 

When I started the outline on Chimera I always wanted to make a game where you were in those maser tanks fighting off some waddling rubber behemoth as it trashes the city. When I finished Chimera I got the idea for such a game and I started on the outline called Gorgon.
23 monster designs, but they had to be different over those normal Ultraman punching bags out of Bandia. So far three have made it to the block on Cs3.  
The image above was my first giant monster for Gorgon. I find that I need to look for a second job to get my hands on Zbrush. It's a sculpting program and you can get some powerful images with its use. These 23 designs would be easier to work with in this program than my basic 2d CS3 paste and color treatment. I already slathering at the mouth to try it out. Of course this means I'll have to convert Chimera over as well. DOH!