Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Elevator Down

Thanks to my wife I was reminded that I needed to finish the first half of my story board. My timeline has me done around December before I head down to see family. Then in January of 2011 I will begin the final chapter sequences.

Honestly I can't wait to get the meat of conflict story wise and artistically. The last chapter before we get planet side establishes the main villains and then it's a roller coaster ride from there on out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Drafting and painting my headache.

Fleet is an adventure game at heart. I would have to admit it has a vein in the old movie with Clint Eastwood called Fire Fox. Only with Fleet we're following the adventure of a ghost within the machine who's lost his memory. You take on his quest alone in a pocket universe seeking a massive doomsday mecha dubbed the TYPHON. The main character is more ship, rather than man and his history is a sorted one. He learns this as he goes, pursued by the military, while becoming embroiled in the games between empires. All the while the player explores multiple options to the conclusion of the game's story.
Pictured above are two of the stories main ships at the very beginning where our anti-hero is working as a literal wrecking ball on a abandoned Star City. The Singapore is the first adventure option in the game's story arc. It's captain is swashbuckling business man looking for a CHAIR (mecha) pilot to rescue political refugees from a besieged world, and with that we are off on our story to save the universe yadda, yadda.

Anyways back to reality. The exercise of fleet is pushing myself in painting and conceptual design. Along with drafting and a few other art hurdles. Fleet is probably a very long project since I'm flushing out a universe with varying races and ship designs. Should force me to create differing brushes and techniques by the end of it all. I'm hoping to get into weapon design as well as environmental art. Clothing and armor to futuristic cityscapes should dot this portfolio piece. More to come as we go.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

EVE online contest.

Looks like Deviant Art is having a Eve Online ship contest. I've been working over on Fleet so I'm in the position of drawing up strange space craft. I'm considering entering so here's my first painting. I've got six more to go of various positions of this ship before I'll enter the final drawing. This ones a solid paint job. No pencils or ink just painted it in CS3.

Friday, September 3, 2010

On the Edge of the Anomaly

Some more FLEET art. A quick piece just to get some more insight into what I'm shooting at.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

FLEET work.

Getting to play with some custom made brushes. Trying out shapes and searching out the feel for this project, while learning new art tricks and what I want to say with them. The Revada are an ancient people. Bordering on the final evolutionary gap between organic beings and pure energy. I wanted a deep sea creature feel for them that's basically housing the energy to span the stars in a blink of a eye.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FLEET is underway.

With the completion of Chimera V1.2 finished I'm ready to begin on another concept. I've been messing around with Gorgon a prior game project, but in reality I'm burned out on drawing monsters and dungeon explorers. The AVT story board will restart in January of 2011 and too my surprise my wife asked me when I was going to finish it ( She really hates it when I get into a project deeply). Beyond whatever freelance job I manage to pick up pretty much for the remainder of the year I'll be working on FLEET for the end of 2010's portfolio.

FLEET is a drafting exercise at it's heart for me. The Liberty above is my first drawing for this project. I'll be cross referencing a front, top, and bottom view from this one piece. I can never go small, so already I have about fifteen alien species and designs to ponder. I gotta stop that nonsense.

The thoughts behind FLEET point to a game App for the iPad. Something of empire builder and space explorer to appeal to the gamer looking for a universe that challenges their organization and combat skills. I won't lie and say I'm not a fan of EVE online. Though FLEET might be considered a cross between EVE and SPORE, I'm trying to not get pigeon holed by my love for both games when working on FLEET. The object of the piece is to come up with something different and far more engaging than what has inspired you.

I'm partly torn on the visuals of FLEET. Part of me says go for a Tron look. Totally digital bordering on neon glitter of Geometry Wars, to the full on glory of a Space Sim like EVE Online. For right now I'm just keeping it simple right down to mechanical line and flat color.
We'll see which wins out as I progress.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Super 8

Here's One of Three of my conceptual ideas on what the Monster from Super 8 might look like. I see it as good practice on coloring...sigh lots of lots practice, LOL

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ur-vile and the Wraith

My first Stephen R. Donaldson work in about a half of a year. Ur-viles are a deadly enemy in the first three books, but take on a mysterious role as benefactors when they introduce Thomas Covenant to Vain, a anatomically perfect humanoid made of pure Law, and the key to saving the world Covenant has protected throughout the series.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chimera V.1.2 Finished.

Chimera has been a long project. Chiming in from time to time this game concept was inspired by the Artistic vision of Shadow of the Colossus and Fable. The idea was to take the perspective of Grendel. The lurking monster in the mountains come down from up high to terrorize the villagers and make off with a cow or two. This project helped me get back into drawing and trying my hand in art again. Version 1.2 took some old drawings and repainted them with better results. The story did a 180 and the humans are not so horribly drawn on this go around. Though I'm ready to move onto some other ideas. AVT:Rescue has been grumbling in the back of my to-do list. Fleet beckons and Gorgon needs a few more monsters for good measure. Needless to say take a look at Chimera and enjoy.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Chimera Repaint

Chimera is going through a reformatting and some new paints and props. More to come.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Kong of Kings.

The Orange County Fair has always been good to me whenever I enter a piece. Usually reviewed by a panel I manage to get at least two out of three drawing entered. I'll stop in with my wife on the opening day and check out the world's largest cow. She's huge. Put a plate on her and call the DMV for a CDL.
I'm planning on entering three pieces this year and the King Kong image above is my first drawing. The others I want to concentrate on a something down to earth for once. We'll see if that's possible since I'm a crack junkie when it comes to sci-fi and fantasy themes.
I would love to design a game, this is a running theme in my Fight Club ( 1st rule of..) things to do before dying. So while sitting on the pot or working I usually get a narrative from IGN or Gamestop on the game I'm imagining. No really... I know.
It's a testimony to all the articles I read as a young adult when Valve's Half Life was but a blip on the horizon.
I also love monster movies. Giant rubbery beasts duking it out over a cityscape are the movies for me, especially when I need a pick-me up. The Original King Kong was one of those Saturday afternoon movies that was played almost every other week in the 70s that I loved. In the evenings it ABC broadcasting the 70's remake of Kong and that got me thinking of a interesting game in the present. King Kong 70's version depicted a oil company descending on Skull Island. Along the way they find a blonde just drifting in the sea. You find them in the dangested places.

Peter Jackson would create a fine Kong movie, but I always felt the rush to get Kong to New York took or somehow lessened the nightmarish first half of the movie. I almost wished he had made an four and 1/2 hour version, instead of the film's 2005 three hours running time.
The X-box movie-tie in game was okay. It's shining grace was being able to play as Kong in a few levels.
I personally wanted it to be the entire game. After playing a few hours in Just Cause2 ( Really they owe Lucas Art's royalties for Mercenaries 3) it struck me that Universal could drop players on a Virtual Skull Island. Now that would be a interesting to me. Playing as Kong in a free roam map seems a viable adventure game.
Playing games alone can get boring quick, so adding a few extra Kingish creatures to complement Kong's own grandeur would allow for mixed gameplay and a real chance at never having the same thing happen twice within say a campaign or Multiplayer match. So Kong needed his own Mothra and Rodan to quest with hence all the beasties next to him in the picture. Should be fun to color and I'll be following up with the finished work later on.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SomeTHINGS better left buried.

I love the movie the Thing by John Carpenter. I find myself watching it just to figure out the clues and nuances the actors incorporated into the movie. When did they get taken over? Did they know it happened? Does the Thing itself hide so deeply into the being of the person it has consumed to blend with the others... lose itself?

It's a brilliant movie. One that wouldn't be considered as such until much later.

I saw it for the first time with my Dad in Concord California around 82. He had a small condo there and I would be shuttled off to him via the BART from South County by my mother to stay the following weekends. Men and women of my age know exactly what I am talking about, because an entire generation of us came out of divorces from our parents in what seems exactly at the same time.

During those Saturdays and Sundays I loved seeing him. We spent hours at video arcades, race-karts, and softball games. We cruised around in a Datsun Z 280 and hung around Pier 39 checking out model stores. The divorce was a very ugly time in my life, and those few moments with him were some of the shining points that dug out some happiness.

At night it was homework and when I was done, it was HBO. There the Thing reared it's distorted head and captured my imagination in a gruesome way. I was hooked. Never missed it since when it comes on. Eventually I would buy the VHS copy and then the DVD. Most likely I'll buy the BluRay as well.

I read the script later on while in college. It's a fascinating body of work. I find myself bent over it every once in a while late at night, or while having a slow period at work. There is this one scene that was deleted due to budget constraints. It's called "out on the ice". The original artist Michael Ploog boarded it. It's incredible art that depicts MacReady, Childs, and Bennings chasing after three of the dogs that escaped.
They are most likely now Things and it's heading for the ocean. In this scene Bennings is killed by a Thing under the snow, rather than the grotesque consumption in the locker room. I've always wanted to see this sequence. So, I'm now doodling it out. More to come in the next few weeks.

Now they are saying that a prequel is in the works. The story of the Norwegians is being brought to light. I'm mixed on this. Part of me is curious if the director can pull off a companion piece to what many consider a near perfect movie in Carpenter's career. As they say time can only tell.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

No rest or art for Dad.

Hi there! Well I'm stuck. The Parent trap has snapped my neck and I'm doing nothing but being a loving dad to my son. This has halted everything next to lack of sleep and long hours at graveyard. I'm trying not to fall into that easy cop-out like ignoring my son over my art. Whata douche I would be if I did that. So I am stuck for a bit doing nothing over my laptop save twitter or bills.
Florin here is the last picture I've had time to actually finish. I managed to get some Mudbox in , which is a pretty fun 3d sculpting program. Sadly it's a monthly trial, so after the Zbrush run I'll know which one to buy. Until then it's kick the tires time.
Take it easy.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Music behind the Characters.

I love music to a point. I'm set to certain beats, which are basically something between a dirge and a building back beat for my internal soundtrack. Most of my drawing for this AVT project are drawn to what I call my Asinine Metal Playlist.

Here's basically what's on it that highlight's each character so far.

1. Helmet: Unsung : This is KillSwitch's anthem. He's based on this song's aggressive beat.
2. Metallica: No Leaf Clover : The main song for BigBot. It's something grand for the big guy.
3. Insane Clown Posse: Nothing's Left: Whines for MotorCade; little is holding him to his life.
4. Reveille: What you Got : Here's the villain HullBreach's main song.
5. Kasabian: Club Foot : Falls to SpeedTrap's techno-spector theme.
6. Puddle of Mudd: Psycho : This song goes to the hulking Overload.
7. Helmet : Milquetoast : The theme for DeadBolt.
8. NIN: Sunspots: casts a glare on GearBreak.
9. Rammstein: Engel : Whistles through the power tank ShockProof.
10. Yeah Yeah Yeahs : Gold Lion : Roars for Nexus Valor.
11. Submersed: Hollow : Wails for the Maximal BackStryke.
12. Korn: Freak on a Leash : Can't keep DeathKiss chained. She's a major villainous Bitch.
13. Foo Fighters: Come to Life : Wandered into GunStart's theme.
14. Kasabian: Shoot the Runner : Shot FireFlight.
15. The Bravery: Believe : Saw the truth in ShortStop.
16. Metallica : Fuel : Drove the unstoppable GunBattle