Fleet is an adventure game at heart. I would have to admit it has a vein in the old movie with Clint Eastwood called Fire Fox. Only with Fleet we're following the adventure of a ghost within the machine who's lost his memory. You take on his quest alone in a pocket universe seeking a massive doomsday mecha dubbed the TYPHON. The main character is more ship, rather than man and his history is a sorted one. He learns this as he goes, pursued by the military, while becoming embroiled in the games between empires. All the while the player explores multiple options to the conclusion of the game's story.
Pictured above are two of the stories main ships at the very beginning where our anti-hero is working as a literal wrecking ball on a abandoned Star City. The Singapore is the first adventure option in the game's story arc. It's captain is swashbuckling business man looking for a CHAIR (mecha) pilot to rescue political refugees from a besieged world, and with that we are off on our story to save the universe yadda, yadda.
Anyways back to reality. The exercise of fleet is pushing myself in painting and conceptual design. Along with drafting and a few other art hurdles. Fleet is probably a very long project since I'm flushing out a universe with varying races and ship designs. Should force me to create differing brushes and techniques by the end of it all. I'm hoping to get into weapon design as well as environmental art. Clothing and armor to futuristic cityscapes should dot this portfolio piece. More to come as we go.