I thought the Alien Vs Predator movies 1 and 2 were misguided when they hit the theaters. I had purchased the original comic books out of Dark Horse years back; they were great and I enjoyed them immensely . Sadly for me Fox completely sidetracked what could have been the fight of the galaxy in every way. It felt like they had brushed aside the original series and the source material out there for both the Aliens and the Predator, because those two movies should have never been centered on present day earth. They completely under sold the original Ridley Scott's Alien movie in 1979 by minimizing the fate of the Nostromo and what her crew went through to stop the Alien from arriving to Earth.
( I'm a Fanboy. I know it.) I don't even want to talk about how I feel about how they trashed the Predators. Of course on that note, I'm no better it seems.
I've been playing around with a fan fiction pitting the Transformers against the Aliens. Yeah, I know I need to get out. From a pencilers point of view though it's a "all you can eat" festive of robots and monsters to draw with.
Surprisingly, as bad as it sounds in its time the Alien franchise under Dark Horse Comics seemed to be on a tour of butt-kicking from the Terminator to the Robocop in the late 90's. The popular space beast was thrown into every conceivable battle possible in the main stream comic book world from Superman to Batman. Both these iconic figures had their run in the Xenomorphs whenever it suited DC comics and they made gobs of money, while at it.
So, why not the Transformers? Michael Bay learned the hard way that Transfans are pretty much one of the most prickly fan bases out there. I mean these guys would make Piranha want to evolve into land based creatures if they fell into the same waters. They can be that bad at times, as a fan base should be. Let alone they are everywhere much akin to a global Fight Club.( I just broke the 1st rule) If you see someone around thirty, they are a Transformer fan and they are a G1( Generation 1) fan to boot.
Beware girls, say anything demeaning about Optimus Prime ( The Big Truck Hero) dying in the cartoon movie and you're most likely to hit that hidden, crusty, and tiny emotional nerve in us guys. That movie would nearly traumatize an entire generation of young boys world wide in one fell swoop. On the same level of watching a random guy get kicked in the scrotum, we thirty something males all know what it means, when you say. " Its over Prime."
I can draw and I got the imagination to pit these two franchise against each other. So thus began a little story board and now 2 months later I'm working on conceptual designs for the characters so I can begin a comic page layout. Who needs a publisher when it comes to a fan fiction? I would just get sued if this ever made a cent. I just want or need to see if I can do it. That's sums up my problem in a nutshell. I see these things and I'm not happy until I get it out on paper for myself.
If you want to see the early story boards just go to my Portfolio link and head to AVT: Rescue for the originals works on this idea.
Side Note: Kill Switch was completely drawn using the Line Tool in CS3.
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